domingo, 3 de mayo de 2009

track meet report

hello dear ones! well... the latest news is...

AIS/D took 2nd place in the track meet, out of 6 teams. woohoo!
kids ran great, had a GREAT time. it was so hot, but dry and different from Dhaka - it felt okay to us. runners were forced to drink, drink, drink and no major dehydration problems happened.

the Delhi school families hosted all the visiting kids and coaches, and this system turned out to be a lot of fun for everyone thanks to generosity and good behavior all around. the poor host mom who inherited our 3 6th grade boys for 3 nights, good Lord they were excited, hyper rascals. one ate so much Subway and McDonald's ice cream on his first night in Delhi that he spent the next afternoon throwing up behind our tent and missing all his events.

surprising news! we took home 4 of the 6 available gold medals in the shot put! oh yeah!! that means more medals in the shot put than any other field event. whew!! most likely this was due to the sheer mass of our kids, but it seems that the coaching didn't hurt their chances too much and for this i'm relieved and amused :)

yeah, i've really enjoyed this 7-week intro to coaching. back to a normal schedule now, and no more traveling til the trip home.

ps - Charlottesville High School, here we come! ¡Ya vengo!