martes, 12 de mayo de 2009

human rights clip

some interesting news... one of our school's kindergarten teachers, an older lady, had a stroke last week. she's making a recovery, thank goodness, but can't return to teach this school year. there is a real shortage of qualified substitute teachers for a situation like this, and so school has asked me to help fill in this position...
so i'm going to work together with another support teacher to take over this kindergarten class for the last 4 weeks of school, starting Sunday. talk about a learning experience! looking forward to this - especially because the high school activity has begun to wind down; things haven't been so busy lately. the little ones will most likely keep me on my toes.

also -
one of my high school students, HyeRin, made this video clip for a history class project assessing the UN Declaration of Human Rights. it's really neat (and short), neat enough that when i saw it i wanted to share it. check it out!