miércoles, 22 de abril de 2009

hello my dear blogger followers

just a little update...

a few days ago i got back from a really, really nice visit in northern thailand with my mom and dad and my aunt leigh. we had a great time seeing the rural north of thailand - so far as the borders with Laos and Burma/Myanmar. we got soaked with "Songkran" or Thai New Year water fighting in the streets and this was hilarious. also we all took a Thai cooking class and made very edible versions of Pad Thai and Green Curry and Tom Yum Soup, and i'm feeling glad that i have at least some kind of cooking skill to bring home to Dave. also, a very cool thing, we went to a factory and watched silk moths becoming worms who made cocoons which were boiled and separated into strands which were woven into beautiful Thai silk, of which we purchased for.... making a wedding dress. something to note here: mom is wonderful.

there is a lot more to tell about the Thailand trip, and pictures soon to be shared. if Mom and Dad and Leigh survive the trickery of Bangkok, they will have stories of Cambodia and Angkor Wat to add to this...

big things: tomorrow, Thursday April 23rd, me and 2 other coaches are taking our 30-person "SAISA (South Asian International Schools Association) track team to compete in New Delhi, India. we've had good practices this week, in the 100+ degree weather, and I'm feeling that it's a good time for us to go and have this competition. we'll stay with host families from the American Embassy School in Delhi, and the meet will be run over 2 days: Friday and Saturday. We'll fly back to Dhaka on Sunday.

the most difficult thing that is happening here now is the heat. it is so hot, and the power (AC and fans) stays off for at least half the night. it comes on and off, and we all tend to fall asleep when the air is on, then wake up in deep sweats startled and struggling to breathe in the still air oven that our top floor apartment becomes. it's pretty miserable, and i really have had trouble sleeping - waking up feeling a little panicked by the intensity of the heat. people expect the temperatures to remain high like this through the remainder of the school year - not too much longer now, about 7 weeks.

i have a ticket to leave Dhaka on June 14th.